What We Believe
The Lord Jesus Christ
We are people who believe and confess our faith in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We trust and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
The Gospel of Salvation
We believe and confess that all human beings are sinners, and that sinners are redeemed by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God alone justifies human beings by faith in Christ – a faith that God creates through the message of the Gospel. As ambassadors for Christ, God uses us to speak His Word and build His kingdom.
The Authority of Scripture
We are people who believe and confess our faith in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We trust and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
A Common Confession of Faith
We accept and uphold that the Lutheran Confessions reliably guide us as faithful interpretations of Scripture, and that we share a unity and fellowship in faith with others among whom the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached and the Sacraments are administered in accordance with the Gospel.
The Sacraments of the Church
We believe in and practice two sacraments – Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Holy Baptism is offered to people of every age including infants. From the Lutheran Book of Worship, we hear: “Through Holy Baptism we are reborn children of God and become inheritors of eternal life. In Holy Baptism we are made members of the Church which is the body of Christ” Holy Communion is offered often to the baptized believers of Jesus Christ. In this sacrament we believe that Jesus is truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine. Children typically receive their first communion in the fifth grade after instruction from the pastor.
The Priesthood of All Believers
We believe and confess that the Holy Spirit makes all who believe in Jesus Christ to be priests for service to others in Jesus’ name, and that God desires to make use of the spiritual gifts He has given through the priesthood of all believers.
Marriage and Family
We believe and confess that the marriage of male and female is an institution created and blessed by God. From marriage, God forms families to serve as the building blocks of all human civilization and community. We teach and practice that sexual activity belongs exclusively within the biblical boundaries of a faithful marriage between one man and one woman.
The Mission and Ministry of the Congregation
We believe and confess that the church is the assembly of believers called and gathered by God around Word and Sacrament, and that the mission and ministry of the church is carried out within the context of individual congregations, which can work together locally and globally. (From The Common Confession (The faith statement of Lutheran Core – Coalition for Renewal. Adopted: November 2005, with additions from New Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Hickory, NC)